You care

focus Jul 28, 2016

When I was at the BBC, a group of us had been trained to film and edit our own video features. Reading between the lines, I think some people's efforts were falling a little short which is why they invented a new role - a kind of gatekeeper who checked our films before they went on air. I once went up to him and apologised because one interview I'd included was carried out in a dark room and my interviewee was a little bit out of focus. I explained how I had used both my internal and flip out screens, got as much light on him as possible, and when I got back and saw that he was a bit out of focus, I kept him in vision for just enough time for his name caption to appear and then I cut to another (in-focus) shot. The gate-keeper said, "I don't care!" "What do you mean?" I enquired. He elaborated, "I don't care, because you care. It's the ones who don't care I have to watch out for."

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